Thursday 25 January 2018

The Use of Stem Cell Therapy For Curing Autism Explained

A neurodevelopment disorder that impairs social interaction and communication skills is called autism. It is extremely common among children. Usually, these symptoms can be noticed during the first couple of years of a child’s life.
However, stem cell therapy can help reduce the level of autism and improve the quality of life of patients. Autistic children find it difficult to interact or blend in socially. Even though they might not realize it, their behavior changes to a certain extent.
If intervened at an early age and subjected to the therapy and treatment by experts like NeuroGen Brain and Spine Institute, autism can be controlled or even reduced to a great extent. There are some common symptoms or signs of autism, and they are listed below:
·         Impeded communication skills (be it verbal communication or communication through body language or gestures)
·         Difficulty in developing amicable relationships and maintaining them
·         An overall aggressive approach or behavior toward others (involves scratching, biting, and tendency to throw objects)
·         Difficulty in being able to connect with his or her own name
·         Impaired ability to partake in conversations
·         Reduction in the span of attention and concentration
·         Tendency to inflict pain upon oneself
·         A tendency eats items that are non-edible (chalk, crayons, sand, etc.)
·         Increased attachment to inanimate objects and material while being distant from humans

What are the causes of Autism?
1.      Damage or injury inflicted upon the nervous system.
2.      A mutation of a structural gene can lead to thedevelopment of autism.
3.      Various complications during pregnancy can lead to autism (insufficient intake of nutrients, pregnancy bleeding three months into pregnancy, etc.)
Even though the traditional nonmedical and biomedical treatments still exist, stem cell therapy is the newest and perhaps the most effective way of treating autism.
Autism treatment in India is no more restricted to the conventional methods. The stem cell treatment approaches the two main factors causing autism: immune degeneration and lack of oxygen supply to the brain. These stem cells have the capacity to repair the tissue that has been affected on a functional, molecular and structural level.

Once it reaches the damaged tissue, it starts anti-inflammatory actions and organ repair. NeuroGen BSI and other renowned medical facilities have put their faith in this method. While the conventional methods are still in play in major hospitals, stem cell approach is still considered to be a giant leap in treating or reducing autism today. 

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