Wednesday 15 March 2017

How Can NeuroGen BSI Treat Mental Retardation Patients?

Neurological disorders are difficult to cure and today nowhere in the world can you find a perfect cure for such disorders. Some of them are mental retardation, dementia, stroke, muscular dystrophy and others. All these conditions are incurable, and there is no medicine or drugs or even surgery that has successfully treated the neurological disorders. You can see new hope in stem cell therapy for mental retardation. This kind of therapy is relatively new, but there have been cases where patients are seen to lead a better life. At NeuroGen Brain and Spine Institute, Mumbai, India, patients are definitely in good hands. Here is a great team of doctors, experts, researchers, and therapists who provide excellent stem cell treatment and dementia stem cell treatment.

NeuroGen approach

At NeuroGen, you get to meet the experts and doctors who can explain in detail to you about the procedure and the effectiveness of the treatment. They can also help you understand what the treatment is all about and how beneficial it is for the patient with a neurological disorder. The team at NGBSI individually treats the patients after checking their mental and physical conditions and the severity of the disorder that the patient has. It is necessary to diagnose the condition of the patient to provide him or her the most suitable treatment required. Stem cell treatment by NGBSI is painless, and even small children feel at ease as there is no surgery involved. Just a few tests are involved and procuring of adult stem cells which are done in a very simple and minimal invasive way.

Stem cell treatment

At NGBSI, they use the adult stem cells to treat patients with severe neurological disorders like mental retardation, dementia, stroke and more. The stem cell therapy process comprises of using autologous bone marrow stem cells that are used on the same patient.

1. The first step is to procure stem cells via bone marrow aspiration in the operating theater.

2. It is then separated, harvested, and filtered in a laboratory.

3.  Transplantation is done in the operation theater where the stem cells are transplanted to the desired area.

After the transplantation, further care and observation are followed as well. The NGBSI provides intensive rehabilitation therapy for their patients. The therapy transforms a disabled person into a differently-abled person. Patients are advised occupational therapy, speech therapy, physiotherapy,etc. based on their condition and treatment.

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